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The Move Free! Online certification course teaches essential knowledge / technology regarding the body through each step of video x text x assignment creation .


In the Basic Course, you will learn more basic knowledge and skills, and in the Advanced Course, you will acquire technical practice based on more specialized knowledge through task creation. Because it is an online course, you can study at your own pace. Please see the link below for course details.


<Basic course>


・ Master of Corrective Exercise


・ Kinesiologist


・ Movement Analyst


・ Physical Coach


・ Trainer of Sensory Integration



<Advanced course >


Started recruiting for Master of Physical Edutainment 2020


Musculoskeletal anatomy specialized course


・ Dietary nutrition specialty course


・ Biological Behavior Course New!


・ Manual therapy course New!


・ Dry Needling New!


・ Body-image Laboratory


・ Pelvic floor care & exercise specialist


・ Sports Therapist


<Online teaching materials>


・ Movement Training


・ Click here for other courses



<How to attend >

For the basic course, please pay the tuition fee below and inform us of the course you want to take from the contact form. The basic course fee is ¥ 15,000 each (¥ 10,000 for members) .

* Currently the basic course is the first 10 people ¥ 12,000 (3 remaining seats)


For advanced courses and online teaching materials, please follow the links.



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